Improve your SAT score by 180+ points in 20 hours
Improve your SAT score by 180+ points in 20 hours
Smartschool is a self-paced digital SAT prep course for students who want to improve their score by 200+ points.
Smartschool is a self-paced digital SAT prep course for students who want to improve their score by 200+ points.
Learn 3x faster with targeted practice
Learn 3x faster with targeted practice
Learn 3x faster with targeted practice
Instant help on any question from an AI tutor
Instant help on any question from an AI tutor
Instant help on any question from an AI tutor
Trusted by 20,000+ students
Trusted by 20,000+ students
Trusted by 20,000+ students

Algorithms and content brought to you by a team from
Algorithms and content brought to you by a team from
Algorithms and content brought to you by a team from
Learn smarter, not harder
Meet yoko
Your tutor for step by step explanation on any question
The most accurate AI for SAT Math, Reading and Writing
The most accurate AI for SAT Math, Reading and Writing
The most accurate AI for SAT Math, Reading and Writing
Makes sure you understand every step of the solution
Makes sure you understand every step of the solution
Makes sure you understand every step of the solution
Always there for you when you get stuck
Always there for you when you get stuck
Always there for you when you get stuck
Smart Diagnostic Test
Smart Diagnostic Test
Smart Diagnostic Test
Find out exactly where you lose points with AI and learn accordingly
Take the diagnostic test to get your predicted SAT score, and a personalized study plan optimized with AI for maximum score improvement.

Targeted Learning
Targeted Learning
Targeted Learning
Learn 3x faster by targeting your weak areas
Focus on what matters. Our targeted approach zeroes in on your weak areas, transforming them into opportunities for a significant boost in your SAT scores.
Question Bank
Question Bank
Question Bank
Access 5000+ exam-like SAT questions and unlimited full-length practice tests
In the question bank you can find over 5000 exam-like SAT questions, closely reflecting all Math and Reading & Writing question types, unlimited practice tests and interactive lessons.

Everything you need to succeed
From interactive lessons to full-length tests, we’ve got all the digital SAT materials and support you need to boost your score
250+ interactive lessons
Learn every concept that is covered on the digital SAT
250+ interactive lessons
Learn every concept that is covered on the digital SAT
250+ interactive lessons
Learn every concept that is covered on the digital SAT
5000+ exam-like questions
Practice using questions that mirror the real Digital SAT
5000+ exam-like questions
Practice using questions that mirror the real Digital SAT
5000+ exam-like questions
Practice using questions that mirror the real Digital SAT
Step-by-step explanations
Understand every concept with step-by-step problem-solving guidance
Step-by-step explanations
Understand every concept with step-by-step problem-solving guidance
Step-by-step explanations
Understand every concept with step-by-step problem-solving guidance
Unlimited practice tests
Experience a true test-day simulation
Unlimited practice tests
Experience a true test-day simulation
Unlimited practice tests
Experience a true test-day simulation
AI tutor
Yoko explains things step by step so you can understand everything easily
AI tutor
Yoko explains things step by step so you can understand everything easily
AI tutor
Yoko explains things step by step so you can understand everything easily
Personalized learning plan
Find your learning gaps and focus on what matters
Personalized learning plan
Find your learning gaps and focus on what matters
Personalized learning plan
Find your learning gaps and focus on what matters

Proven Results
88% of our students got 200+ point improvement in 6 weeks
Our algorithms and teaching methodology were battle tested with hundreds of students that achieved top SAT scores.
What our students are saying
The AI tutor explains everything very well making sure you understand. You can’t even tell it’s not a real person! I would totally recommend this for anyone who wants to practice their math skills! A lot of their questions also come from previous SAT tests, so you know you’re well prepared. Give it a try!

It’s going great! She really makes sure I understand each step, which is very helpful.

I got 1400 on the SAT in august and I accredit the improvement to smart school

Awesome app that gives you good practices

It has helped me improve not only my SAT score but also my test taking confidence and mathematical ability. I would recommend this app if you are interested in getting a higher SAT score.

Being introduced to smartschool SAT prep turned into a daily routine as the APP and highly time efficient and as I was seeing the immediate results I wanted. I ended up getting a 1510 and got into Yale.

I like how any time you get a question wrong or aren't sure about it you can forward it to Yoko and she will guide you through the process of solving it.

Thanks to the guidance and support of my tutor, I made significant progress and was on my way to earning a place in the honor classes. Without my tutor's unwavering encouragement and assistance, I might have considered giving up.

I got 1530 and now will focus on my essays. Thank you so much for your help!

The AI tutor explains everything very well making sure you understand. You can’t even tell it’s not a real person! I would totally recommend this for anyone who wants to practice their math skills! A lot of their questions also come from previous SAT tests, so you know you’re well prepared. Give it a try!

It’s going great! She really makes sure I understand each step, which is very helpful.

I got 1400 on the SAT in august and I accredit the improvement to smart school

Awesome app that gives you good practices

It has helped me improve not only my SAT score but also my test taking confidence and mathematical ability. I would recommend this app if you are interested in getting a higher SAT score.

Being introduced to smartschool SAT prep turned into a daily routine as the APP and highly time efficient and as I was seeing the immediate results I wanted. I ended up getting a 1510 and got into Yale.

I like how any time you get a question wrong or aren't sure about it you can forward it to Yoko and she will guide you through the process of solving it.

Thanks to the guidance and support of my tutor, I made significant progress and was on my way to earning a place in the honor classes. Without my tutor's unwavering encouragement and assistance, I might have considered giving up.

I got 1530 and now will focus on my essays. Thank you so much for your help!

The AI tutor explains everything very well making sure you understand. You can’t even tell it’s not a real person! I would totally recommend this for anyone who wants to practice their math skills! A lot of their questions also come from previous SAT tests, so you know you’re well prepared. Give it a try!

It’s going great! She really makes sure I understand each step, which is very helpful.

I got 1400 on the SAT in august and I accredit the improvement to smart school

Awesome app that gives you good practices

It has helped me improve not only my SAT score but also my test taking confidence and mathematical ability. I would recommend this app if you are interested in getting a higher SAT score.

Being introduced to smartschool SAT prep turned into a daily routine as the APP and highly time efficient and as I was seeing the immediate results I wanted. I ended up getting a 1510 and got into Yale.

I like how any time you get a question wrong or aren't sure about it you can forward it to Yoko and she will guide you through the process of solving it.

Thanks to the guidance and support of my tutor, I made significant progress and was on my way to earning a place in the honor classes. Without my tutor's unwavering encouragement and assistance, I might have considered giving up.

I got 1530 and now will focus on my essays. Thank you so much for your help!

Frequently Asked Questions
Are the practice questions in the app similar to those on the actual SAT?
How does this SAT prep app differ from other study materials available?
How can I make sure my student will work well in your online environment?
Is the price displayed in the pricing page all-inclusive? Do you have any extra fees, charges, or required supplies that I need to buy?
Do you teach strategies as well as content?
How long do I need to spend learning with this app?
How many weeks do I need to complete the program?
Are the practice questions in the app similar to those on the actual SAT?
How does this SAT prep app differ from other study materials available?
How can I make sure my student will work well in your online environment?
Is the price displayed in the pricing page all-inclusive? Do you have any extra fees, charges, or required supplies that I need to buy?
Do you teach strategies as well as content?
How long do I need to spend learning with this app?
How many weeks do I need to complete the program?
Are the practice questions in the app similar to those on the actual SAT?
How does this SAT prep app differ from other study materials available?
How can I make sure my student will work well in your online environment?
Is the price displayed in the pricing page all-inclusive? Do you have any extra fees, charges, or required supplies that I need to buy?
Do you teach strategies as well as content?
How long do I need to spend learning with this app?
How many weeks do I need to complete the program?
Start your 7-day free trial today
Click below to receive a 7-days free trial.
Start your 7-day free trial today
Click below to receive a 7-days free trial.
Start your 7-day free trial today
Click below to receive a 7-days free trial.
Test Prep
K-12 Math
Test Prep
K-12 Math
Test Prep
K-12 Math